
In the years that have passed since its foundation, Honda has developed its activities around the world reaching a position of absolute prestige in the global market, aided by the guidelines issued by the Honda Philosophy. On the strength of this, in order to further improve the status of a “global” company, it has decided that Honda employees, operating in various countries around the world, share common principles and have greater self-confidence. This is why CIAP applies the Honda Code of Conduct and has also adopted the Organization, Management and Control Model pursuant to Legislative Decree 231/01.


Code of Conduct

In order to always increase the quality of the company’s products and services, all employees share a set of values. The Code of Conduct collects guidelines and behavioral rules useful to guide individual actions and provide a well-defined identity to Honda’s strategies.

Organization, Management and Control Model

Model 231 is adopted to allow companies to be exempted from crimes attributed to individual employees and, by completing it, the company that signs it can legitimately request the exclusion or limitation of its liability deriving from one of the crimes mentioned in the law. The first edition of The Model was approved by the Board of Directors of CIAP on September 7, 2020.